Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Truffle Oil...big, fat, culinary hoax...

Ever seen the episode of Happy Days where Richie and the guys are all hyped up to go see the strippers? They get there and discover there's nothin' much to see. Yet when someone asks they all talk it up to be bigger than it really was.

White truffle oil...yes truffle oil. That divine, expensive, pig found fungus conveniently infusing extra virgin olive oil. Definitely a cheaper route to go especially if you're just getting your feet wet in the truffle tasting world.

If you'd never had a truffle and were going to hazard a guess as to it's taste and aroma what would you say? Earthy? Deeply mushroomy? Heady? A lot like garlic chives?

What?! a lot like garlic chives? How can this be? I spent eight bucks on this! (Which, trust me is a good price.) Granted it was tasty, but not the lush decadence I'd been led to believe. So I'm refusing to pull a Cunningham. Maybe black truffle oil is the good stuff but for anywhere from $8-35 a bottle white truffle oil ain't worth the money.

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